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Halloween vocabulary | Vocabolario Halloween

Halloween vocabulary | Vocabolario Halloween

E’ la notte di Halloween e i bambini si vestono con costumi spaventosi per fare dolcetto o scherzetto! Vieni con noi e impara l’inglese divertendoti!

#halloween #trickortreat #englishvocabulary

⏰ Iscriviti Al Canale + ???????? : ➡️ ⬅️

???? Il nostro blog:

Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!

What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
I will dress up as a ghost! Ghost
I will dress up as a vampire! And my friend, a bat
I will dress up as a pirate! Pirate
I will dress up as Frankenstein! Frankestein
I will dress up as a mummy! Mummy
I will dress up as a Witch! I will ride a broom
I will dress up as a werewolf! Werewolf
I will dress up as a zombie! And I will carry a jack o’ lantern
I will dress up as devil! Devil
I will dress up as a skeleton! And my friend, a spider
I will dress up as a black spooky cat!

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