Le stagioni in inglese | The four seasons | English Vocabulary

#seasons #lestagioni #inglese Impariamo le 4 stagioni in inglese! Let's learn the 4 seasons of the year! Every year our planet experiences four seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer. SPRING -----Primavera SUMMER ------ Estate AUTUMN ------ Autunno WINTER ------ Inverno #Seasons​ #EnglishVocabulary​ #LearnEnglish #inglesebase ⏰ Iscriviti Al Canale + ???????? : ➡️ https://bit.ly/2DrweC8 ⬅️ ???? Attiva la campanellina per essere sempre aggiornato sui nuovi video! ???? Il nostro blog: https://briciolagoldenhamster.com/ Music: Small Guitar Author / Artist: Bensound Website: https://www.bensound.com Licensing info: https://www.bensound.com/licensing

#seasons #lestagioni #inglese

Impariamo le 4 stagioni in inglese! Let’s learn the 4 seasons of the year!
Every year our planet experiences four seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer.

SPRING —–Primavera
SUMMER —— Estate
AUTUMN —— Autunno
WINTER —— Inverno

#Seasons​ #EnglishVocabulary​ #LearnEnglish #inglesebase

⏰ Iscriviti Al Canale + ???????? : ➡️ https://bit.ly/2DrweC8 ⬅️
???? Attiva la campanellina per essere sempre aggiornato sui nuovi video!
???? Il nostro blog: https://briciolagoldenhamster.com/

Music: Small Guitar
Author / Artist: Bensound
Website: https://www.bensound.com
Licensing info: https://www.bensound.com/licensing

Views: 127

Briciola Golden Hamster

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